Demonstration Projects
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2023), around 35% of the emissions reductions required to achieve a global net-zero scenario by 2050 must derive from technologies currently at the demonstration or prototype stages. This underscores the importance of accelerating the commercialization of innovative clean energy solutions through the implementation “lighthouse” pilot demonstration projects that are scalable and that have catalytic impacts.
Thematic Areas
The A2D Facility’s initial thematic areas-of-focus are: critical minerals, clean hydrogen, smart energy and industrial decarbonization, which are key areas for facilitating clean energy transitions in developing countries and where innovation support is most needed.

Essential for the clean energy transition, powering technologies like solar panels and electric vehicles. With finite supplies and growing demand, ensuring a stable, affordable, and reliable supply is crucial, especially for developing countries.

Clean hydrogen can be used as part of the solution to decarbonize sectors such as transport, industry and power as a clean alternative to fossil fuels, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

By using innovative and smart information, communication and digital technologies and infrastructure, it can contribute to decarbonizing sectors such as transport, power, industry and buildings.

The decarbonization of heavy industries can be achieved through innovative technologies such as fuel-switching, CCUS and digitalization.
Where We Work
The A2D Facility is a global programme and supports countries that are eligible to receive aid funding (Official Development Assistance (ODA), as per the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of ODA-eligible countries.